Thank You For Purchasing Software & Training


You will be receiving emails with the subject "Your account information" for all the membership area's and software logins.

You'll also receive your invoice/receipt from "Supremacy Digital" where you can access your purchase details again in the future. 

Please make sure to keep all emails for future reference.

Access Your Products

Rank And Rent Club Membership Area

Your RankAndRent Club Account Is Created

This membership is called RankAndRent Club.  You will be receiving an email shortly with your username and password to access.  You'll also receive a welcome email with some advice on the best way to start your new journey.


30 Websites Hosting Package

Please first watch the video below for instructions on how to set up your free 30 website hosting package.

Use coupon FREEHOSTING on checkout to get it 100% free.

140 Local Business Templates

This is a membership area so you'll first have to go through a checkout to get access.  Simply scroll to the bottom of the page to checkout then use the coupon below to get 100% free access. 

Use coupon HERCVIP on checkout to get it 100% free.

Golden Niche Keyword Sniper Software

This software tool is called Keyword Supremacy.  You will be receiving an email shortly with your username and password to access.  You'll also receive training on how & when to use it in your RankAndRent Club Members area.


World Leading SEO Software

This software tool is called Xagio.  You will be receiving an email shortly with your username and password to access.  You'll also receive training on how & when to use it in your RankAndRent Club Members area.


High-Level Link Building Training

Located In Your Rank & Rent Club Members Area

To access this training login to your RankAndRent Club Members area, then access the PBN MODULE section of the training.

100% Free Content Training Course

Located In Your Rank & Rent Club Members Area

To access this training login to your RankAndRent Club Members area, then access the BUILD > CONTENT section of the training.

FAB #1 - Prospecting & Selling Software

This software tool is called SERPscout.  You will be receiving an email shortly with your username and password to access it.  You'll also receive training on how & when to use it in your RankAndRent Club Members area.


FAB #2 - My Personal Sales Scripts

Located In Your Rank & Rent Club Members Area

To access this training login to your RankAndRent Club Members area, then access the RENT > PROSPECTING section of the training.


Located In Your Rank & Rent Club Members Area

To access this training login to your RankAndRent Club Members area, then access the LIVE TRAINING > MASTERCLASS section of the training where you can register for the next live Masterclass.

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